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Oh Boy!

Antonin Rioche

Staff credit

Adaptation: Antonin Rioche & Hadi Moussally

Director: Hadi Moussally

Choreographer: Antonin Rioche

Producer: h7o7Films

Producer: Antonin Rioche

Dancer & Voice: Benjamin Behrends

D.O.P & Post-Production: Olivier Pagny

Sound Design: Niels Plotard

Fashion Stylist: Marie Scirocco

Fashion Designer: Sean Suen

Fashion Designer: Hed Mayner

What was your idea behind this work?

At first, I have been working on the dance piece Oh Boy! on stage, on the occasion of an invitation during the Eastman Summer intensive to create. At this time, I was producing the piece on my own, so I wanted to create a movie, in order to share my work with a broad audience. I wanted to reach more people with it. I was very interested in the idea of an adaptation of the piece into the movie. In general, I think my dance piece is very cinematographic and my movie is often like dance pieces. I like to play with these two different dimensions.

What was the biggest challenge of the film?

The biggest challenge in this film was to stay true to the piece and stay open to new doors.

Where do you look for inspiration?

My inspiration is all around me, in my daily life! I like to observe, listen, and to learn.

What drives your enthusiasm the most?

People, human beings, reacting and emotion, I love human drama.

What is your dream?

To have my own company and collaborate with artists that I admire.

I dream to feel free as a human and as an artist.

Do you have any inspirational words that motivates, pushes or supports your creativity?

"All things are perfect exactly as they are"


Antonin Rioche

Antonin has always been a creator, a storyteller, and he loves to dance. He also paints, photographs and films. Born in Angers, he grew up watching dance. His mum had a true passion for it and took him to see shows from a very early age. He always knew he wanted to be a choreographer but instinctively felt he first needed to become a good dancer. After high school, despite never having done ballet and only trained as a contemporary mover, he integrated the Ballet Junior of Geneva. There he had three years of rigorous training, mainly geared to become a company dancer. Never fully fitting into this exclusively physical work with little room for intellectual inquietudes, made him seek different paths once out in the professional field. His first contract was with Olivier Dubois. He was part of diverse projects throughout Europe, namely, he worked with Sasha Waltz & Guests, Ryan Djojokarso, Theo Clinkard, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, and more. He navigated the freelance dance field with curiosity, always making sure to challenge his path by diversifying as much as possible the movement vocabularies with which he worked. He slowly but surely started to build himself up as a choreographer, despite always feeling a little too young for it.

He feels that a part of him was dreaming of becoming a neo-classical dancer and that he perhaps uses this longing to dream big. If he couldn't have that side of Dance, he will have the other: to create, for virtuosic dancers and big stages. Fully embracing the intricacies of freelancing life as our contemporary condition, he creates through different lenses of expression. Movement is the root for creation but not automatically the starting point. His works often depart from a text that he writes. From there, poetic interpretations emerge. Cataloging his ideas and inspirations, he creates in dialogue with his inner world. Time passing is a recurrent theme in his pieces. He sees beauty as a true source of interest: if you put enough time and contemplation, everything becomes beautiful. It's all in the details. His endeavors lie somewhere between the worlds of virtuosity and experimentation.

As a house choreographer at Korzo, he created The Others and Finally a sign of life both for Here we live and now, editions 2018 and 2019. Invited by Korzo and Nederlands Dans Theater he will be presenting his first full-evening performance: Glitter. It will premiere at the CaDance festival 2021 followed by a Dutch tour.

Asides from stage works, Antonin works hand in hand with film. His first solo in 2017, Oh boy!, created during the Eastman Summer Intensive (which toured in Europe as a piece first) became a film, and was selected and awarded by several film festivals around the world. His duet Finally a sign of life is also now produced as a film, shot in Museum Voorlinden, it will be shown at several festivals across Europe.

Instagram: @antoninrioche















アントニン・リオッシュ(Antonin Rioche)

Antoninは物心ついた時からクリエイターであり、ストーリーテラーであり、ダンスを愛してきました。絵を描き、写真や映像も撮っています。アンジェで生まれた彼は、熱心に劇場に連れて行った母親のおかげでとても幼い頃からダンスを観ながら育ちました。いつか振付家になりたいと思っていましたが、まずは良いダンサーになることが最初だと直感的に思いました。高校卒業後、バレエの経験がなくコンテンポラリーダンスしか経験したことがないにも関わらず、バレエジュニアジュネーブに入団。バレエは身体性が限定され知的な探求の余地がなく、プロフェッショナルとして別の道を進むことに。オリヴィエ・デュボア、サシャ・ヴァルツ&ゲスト、Ryan Djojokarso, Theo Clinkard, シディ・ラルビ・シェルカウイなどとヨーロッパを中心に様々なプロジェクトに関わる。好奇心を道標にフリーランスとしてダンス界に身をおき、できる限り多様な動きのボキャブラリーに触れるよう常に挑戦している。少し若すぎる気持ちもありつつ、少しずつ、しかし確実に振付家としてのキャリアを築こうとしている。


コルゾ劇場のハウス・コレオグラファーとして、2018年、2019年の「Here We Live and Now」プロジェクトの一環として「The Others」「Finally a sign of life」を振付。コルゾ劇場とネザーランド・ダンス・シアターの招聘により、初の長編パフォーマンス作品「Glitter」をオランダツアー後CaDance Festival 2021で上演予定。

舞台作品のほか映像作品も手がける。2017年にEastman主催のサマー・インテンシブ期間中に作られた自身初のソロ作品「Oh Boy!」はヨーロッパツアー後に映像化。複数の国際的映像フェスティバルで受賞・入選する。フォーリンデン美術館で撮影されたデュエット作品「Finally a sign of life」は現在制作中、ヨーロッパの複数のフェスティバルで上映予定。

Instagram: @antoninrioche

翻訳: 瀧瀬彩恵



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